“This is Amazing Grace”
“Way Maker”
“I Speak Jesus”
A Time of Prayer, followed by the Lord’s Prayer
Generosity Liturgy
Give online at at www.firstbaptistbellingham.com/give
Message: Guest Preacher John Lovell
Witness to the Light
John 1:6-8
Sharing in Communion
"New Wine”
“Breathe On Me Breath of God"
Notes and Announcements:
Gather25: Gather25 is a global effort to gather all the Christians of the world together to pray; people from all over the world will gather for prayer for 25 hours over Feb. 28 - Mar. 1. FBC will be open on Saturday, March 1 from 11am-2pm to join in on the prayer event online if you’d like to join in for all or part of that time. You can also join in from home anytime during the 25 hours via the website. For more info, visit www.gather25.com.
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