In February 2018, we launched our first two Missional Communities at FBC. What are Missional Communities?

  • A Missional Community is a group of people that intentionally does life together on a long-term basis.
  • They meet at least bi-weekly, ideally on a weekly basis.
  • They share a meal together (either provided by the host, rotated among the group members, or potluck - as determined by each group internally).
  • They meet in a person's home or rotate homes, as the group determines.
  • The host is not necessarily the person leading the study/prayer/discussion.
  • Each Missional Community serves the city in some way once a month, or a minimum of once every two months (depending on schedules).
  • They have various "jumping in" points throughout the year, when new people can join a group that has an opening, or a new group may be formed.
  • Monday evening group

    • Meets every Monday at 5:30pm
    • Host: FBC
    • Leaders: Jimmy and Jessica Parks
    • Currently open to new members: yes
    • Contact: Jessica
  • wednesdAY evening group

    • Meets every Wednesday at 6pm
    • Host: Joe and Kimberly Cancelosi (Ferndale)
    • Leader: Jeff Flint
    • Currently open to new members: yes
    • Contact: Jeff